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Marco Manuscript Workshop 2021:
“Immaterial Culture”
February 5-6, 2021

The sixteenth annual Marco Manuscript Workshop will take place Friday, February 5, and Saturday, February 6, 2021. Sessions will meet virtually via an online platform. The workshop is led by Professors Maura K. Lafferty (Classics) and Roy M. Liuzza (English), and is hosted by the Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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The workshop is open to scholars and graduate students in any field who are engaged in textual editing, manuscript studies, or epigraphy. This year’s workshop will be virtual, but we hope to retain as much of the format and the flavor of our in-person meetings as possible. Individual 75-minute sessions will be devoted to each project; participants will be asked to introduce their text and its context, discuss their approach to working with their material, and exchange ideas and information with other participants. We will prepare an online repository where presenters can place abstracts, presentations, or supporting material for access by all attendees. As in previous years, the workshop is intended to be more like a class than a conference; participants are encouraged to share new discoveries and unfinished work, to discuss both their successes and frustrations, to offer practical advice and theoretical insights, and to work together towards developing better professional skills for textual and codicological work. We particularly invite the presentation of works in progress, unusual problems, practical difficulties, and new or experimental models for studying or representing manuscript texts.

The deadline for applications is October 9, 2023. Applicants are asked to submit a current CV and a two-page abstract of their project to Roy M. Liuzza, preferably via email to

Presenters will receive a $500 honorarium for their participation.
The workshop is also open at no cost to scholars and students who do not wish to present their own work but are interested in sharing a lively weekend of discussion and ideas about manuscript studies. In order to keep the virtual sessions manageable, preregistration will be required and spaces will be limited. Further details will be available later in the year; please contact the Marco Institute at for more information.

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The Total Library: Aspirations for Complete Knowledge in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

The 27th Biennial Conference of the Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program of Barnard College
Barnard College, New York City
December 5, 2023

Plenary Speakers:
Ann Blair (Harvard University)
Elias Muhanna (Brown University)

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Call for Papers
56th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University, May 2021

Decolonizing the Medieval Studies Syllabus (a roundtable)

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Please submit a proposal of 250 words or less via the Congress website ( by September 15, 2023. For any questions, feel free to contact Renée Trilling at

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Reminder to Register now for these upcoming MAA Webinars:


Race, Racism, and Teaching the Middle Ages
20 July, 3-5 PM EDT

In the wake of recent events and ongoing racially motivated violence, there have been many institutional responses to raise awareness of race and racism in the U.S. and beyond. This is one such response. Since many of us are educators who will return to the classroom in one form or another in the coming year, this webinar is focused on pedagogy and concrete strategies for teaching race and racism in their medieval forms and as they appear in medieval studies. Our four speakers will discuss what they do in the classroom and library to approach this complex topic with the goal of engendering ideas and texts that can be put in place as soon as this fall.

Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information.

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Online Teaching for Medieval Studies: Philosophies, Learning Plans, and Promising Tools, Part II

This two-part webinar focuses on approaches to teaching the Middle Ages for online learning. The webinars are designed to help medievalists of all disciplines adopt and adapt existing strategies, platforms, and tools for teaching online in the fall of 2023 and beyond. Understanding that most institutions have their own required training sessions and online learning platforms, these webinars showcase ideas behind critical pedagogies for online learning with tools and applications specifically designed by and oriented for use by medievalists. The goal of these webinars is to bring together scholars proficient in online learning and design to give an overview of best practices and how medievalists can use and maximize the many DH offerings for learning and research that currently exist. Each webinar will reserve half of the allotted time (1 hour) to address the pedagogical philosophies of teaching and learning online, followed by a series of ‘Tool Talks’ (1.5 hours), featuring a selection of medievalist-friendly digital tools for use with students. We will reserve time to address questions after each section to foster a scholarly exchange about approaches to teaching and learning.

Both webinars will be recorded and made available through the MAA YouTube Channel. In addition, we will also partner with the Middle Ages for Educators site to embed the shorter ‘Tool Talks,’ accompanied by linked materials which might include further readings, suggestions for assessment, or relevant online resources. We anticipate adding to these throughout the summer, even after the conclusion of this webinar series.

Webinar II: Techniques and Tools for Teaching, Learning, and Researching Online: Manuscripts, Mapping, and Modeling
21 July, 2 – 5 PM EDT

Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information and to register.

The presentations from the first webinar, “Thinking and Teaching Online: Best-Practices and Inspired Learning at a Distance,” and their associated online resources, are online here.

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I am writing to inform you that third-year Councilor Kathryn A. Smith has stepped down from the Council for personal reasons. In accordance with our bylaws (paragraphs 7 and 11), the Council has approved the following changes effective immediately:

1) Second-year Councilor Anne Latowsky will fill Prof. Smith’s position on the Executive Committee;
2) Prof. Latowsky’s position on the Committee on Committees and as a second-year Councilor will be filled by MAA member Elina Gertsman (Case Western Univ.), who was nominated for this position by the Executive Committee;
3) Prof. Gertsman will serve until the end of Prof. Smith’s term in April 2021.

We are very grateful to Prof. Smith for her service and to Prof. Gertsman for her willingness to take on this temporary role.

Lisa Fagin Davis
Executive Director, Medieval Academy of America

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Race, Racism, and Teaching the Middle Ages
20 July, 3-5 PM EDT
In the wake of recent events and ongoing racially motivated violence, there have been many institutional responses to raise awareness of race and racism in the U.S. and beyond. This is one such response. Since many of us are educators who will return to the classroom in one form or another in the coming year, this webinar is focused on pedagogy and concrete strategies for teaching race and racism in their medieval forms and as they appear in medieval studies. Our four speakers will discuss what they do in the classroom and library to approach this complex topic with the goal of engendering ideas and texts that can be put in place as soon as this fall.

Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information.

Online Teaching for Medieval Studies: Philosophies, Learning Plans, and Promising Tools
This two-part webinar focuses on approaches to teaching the Middle Ages for online learning. The webinars are designed to help medievalists of all disciplines adopt and adapt existing strategies, platforms, and tools for teaching online in the fall of 2023 and beyond. Understanding that most institutions have their own required training sessions and online learning platforms, these webinars showcase ideas behind critical pedagogies for online learning with tools and applications specifically designed by and oriented for use by medievalists. The goal of these webinars is to bring together scholars proficient in online learning and design to give an overview of best practices and how medievalists can use and maximize the many DH offerings for learning and research that currently exist. Each webinar will reserve half of the allotted time (1 hour) to address the pedagogical philosophies of teaching and learning online, followed by a series of ‘Tool Talks’ (1.5 hours), featuring a selection of medievalist-friendly digital tools for use with students. We will reserve time to address questions after each section to foster a scholarly exchange about approaches to teaching and learning.

Both webinars will be recorded and made available through the MAA YouTube Channel. In addition, we will also partner with the Middle Ages for Educators site to embed the shorter ‘Tool Talks,’ accompanied by linked materials which might include further readings, suggestions for assessment, or relevant online resources. We anticipate adding to these throughout the summer, even after the conclusion of this webinar series.

Webinar I: Thinking and Teaching Online: Best-Practices and Inspired Learning at a Distance
14 July, Noon – 3 PM EDT

Webinar II: Techniques and Tools for Teaching, Learning, and Researching Online: Manuscripts, Mapping, and Modeling
21 July, 2 – 5 PM EDT

Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information about these webinars.

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Race, Racism, and Teaching the Middle Ages
20 July, 3-5 PM EDT

In the wake of recent events and ongoing racially motivated violence, there have been many institutional responses to raise awareness of race and racism in the U.S. and beyond. This is one such response. Since many of us are educators who will return to the classroom in one form or another in the coming year, this webinar is focused on pedagogy and concrete strategies for teaching race and racism in their medieval forms and as they appear in medieval studies. Our four speakers will discuss what they do in the classroom and library to approach this complex topic with the goal of engendering ideas and texts that can be put in place as soon as this fall.

Pre-registration is required. Click here for more information.

Online Teaching for Medieval Studies: Philosophies, Learning Plans, and Promising Tools

This two-part webinar focuses on approaches to teaching the Middle Ages for online learning. The webinars are designed to help medievalists of all disciplines adopt and adapt existing strategies, platforms, and tools for teaching online in the fall of 2023 and beyond. Understanding that most institutions have their own required training sessions and online learning platforms, these webinars showcase ideas behind critical pedagogies for online learning with tools and applications specifically designed by and oriented for use by medievalists. The goal of these webinars is to bring together scholars proficient in online learning and design to give an overview of best practices and how medievalists can use and maximize the many DH offerings for learning and research that currently exist. Each webinar will reserve half of the allotted time (1 hour) to address the pedagogical philosophies of teaching and learning online, followed by a series of ‘Tool Talks’ (1.5 hours), featuring a selection of medievalist-friendly digital tools for use with students. We will reserve time to address questions after each section to foster a scholarly exchange about approaches to teaching and learning.

Both webinars will be recorded and made available through the MAA YouTube Channel. In addition, we will also partner with the Middle Ages for Educators site to embed the shorter ‘Tool Talks,’ accompanied by linked materials which might include further readings, suggestions for assessment, or relevant online resources. We anticipate adding to these throughout the summer, even after the conclusion of this webinar series.

Webinar I: Thinking and Teaching Online: Best-Practices and Inspired Learning at a Distance
14 July, Noon – 3 PM EDT

Webinar II: Techniques and Tools for Teaching, Learning, and Researching Online: Manuscripts, Mapping, and Modeling
21 July, 2 – 5 PM EDT

Pre-registration is required. 苹果因操作不慎差点提前泄露iOS 14版 有开发者更新前才被 ...:2 天前 · 据推特上的开发者消息 ,苹果似乎出现操作不慎导致 iOS 14 开发者预览版的描述文件被推送给少部分的开发者。获得这伇描述文件意味着开发者可伍检测并获得 iOS 14 开发者预览版 ,不过苹果发现的比较及时迅速撤回文件。 about these webinars.

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The Graduate Student Committee of the Medieval Academy of America is pleased to announce a new, one-time grant program: the MAA-GSC New Horizons Graduate Student Research Grant.

The MAA-GSC is calling for applications for grants of up to $500 to support graduate student research projects that uniquely engage with the current research environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even as medievalist graduate students have lost access to much of our primary research material because of restrictions on travel and access to collections, we have also been inspired to develop inventive solutions to continue conducting dynamic and innovative research. Proposed projects might creatively use the digital resources available when physical resources are not, or might consider how the middle ages illuminates our understanding of the current social, cultural, and economic environment. Applications will be evaluated on the originality of how the proposed project engages with the current environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its potential to contribute to medieval studies. This is a special one-time grant program. Up to four will be awarded for outstanding applications selected by the MAA Graduate Student Committee.

The application deadline is September 1. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy of America. Click here for more information.

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7 July, 3 – 4PM EDT (20:00 IMC time)

If you’ve registered for the vIMC, you will have the opportunity to join the MAA@vIMC event on Tuesday, July 7, from 3 – 4PM EDT (20:00 IMC time). MAA President Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski, Speculum Editor Katherine Jansen, and Executive Director Lisa Fagin Davis will deliver brief updates and take questions. This event replaces our annual IMC Lecture, which has been postponed until 2021. Refer to the vIMC programme for more information about how to join this special session.

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安卓上推特教程The latest issue of Speculum will be available later this month.

Speculum, Volume 95, Number 3 (July 2023)

Joel Anderson, “Bishop Guðmundr’s Roman Redemption:  Imagining and Suspending Papal Government in Medieval Iceland”

Justine Firnhaber-Baker, “The Social Constituency of the Jacquerie Revolt of 1358”

Anna Wilson, “Petrarch’s Queer History”

Michael Johnston,  “Copying and Reading The Prick of Conscience in Late Medieval England”

Book Reviews
This issue of Speculum features more than 80 book reviews.


* Books Received
* Brief Notices
* Notes from the Annual Meeting of the MAA
* Annual Contributors to the Medieval Academy of America

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